About aio
Although our companies are diverse, spanning many different industries, the core of aio is our collective passion for Hawaii.
The mission of aio, as envisioned by our founder and chairman Duane Kurisu, is to nurture a “soulful” company and “brand spirit” with the will to grow through our employees.
Who We Are
Although our companies are diverse, spanning many different industries, the core of aio is our collective passion for Hawaii.
The mission of aio, as envisioned by our founder and chairman Duane Kurisu, is to nurture a “soulful” company and “brand spirit” with the will to grow through our employees.
About aio
Although our companies are diverse, spanning many different industries, the core of aio is our collective passion for Hawaii.
The mission of aio, as envisioned by our founder and chairman Duane Kurisu, is to nurture a “soulful” company and “brand spirit” with the will to grow through our employees.
Who We Are
Although our companies are diverse, spanning many different industries, the core of aio is our collective passion for Hawaii.
The mission of aio, as envisioned by our founder and chairman Duane Kurisu, is to nurture a “soulful” company and “brand spirit” with the will to grow through our employees.
Our Culture

The corporate culture of aio is firmly rooted in the power of Hawaii’s local values. We believe that these values are truly world-class, and that our people can and should celebrate and share them, both at home and abroad.
The companies of aio provide products and services that are the best in the world. But while business is our lifeblood, it is not our only measure of success. Our companies are all about leaving the world a better place for future generations. At aio, we believe that the real rewards of business are realized in the lives we lead, in the families we raise, and in the communities that nurture us. In this way, we bring to life the guideline that inspires each employee of aio:
Our Founder

Today, Duane’s plantation roots still shape his vision for aio. Those time-honored small-town values of family and community are equally important in the world of commerce and industry — the local values of trust, respect, humility and honesty that drive the companies and inspire the people of aio.
Our Employees

The people of aio share one guiding principle—that no matter who we are, no matter what our job may be, each of us has the power to make a difference in the world around us. Editor or mechanic, baker or radio host, sous chef or web developer, each has the ability to make an impact, big or small, every single day.
We at aio are “cultural translators,” carrying Hawaii’s unique local values to the rest of the world.
Our Culture

The corporate culture of aio is firmly rooted in the power of Hawaii’s local values. We believe that these values are truly world-class, and that our people can and should celebrate and share them, both at home and abroad.
The companies of aio provide products and services that are the best in the world. But while business is our lifeblood, it is not our only measure of success. Our companies are all about leaving the world a better place for future generations. At aio, we believe that the real rewards of business are realized in the lives we lead, in the families we raise, and in the communities that nurture us. In this way, we bring to life the guideline that inspires each employee of aio:
Our Founder

Today, Duane’s plantation roots still shape his vision for aio. Those time-honored small-town values of family and community are equally important in the world of commerce and industry — the local values of trust, respect, humility and honesty that drive the companies and inspire the people of aio.
Our Employees

The people of aio share one guiding principle—that no matter who we are, no matter what our job may be, each of us has the power to make a difference in the world around us. Editor or mechanic, baker or radio host, sous chef or web developer, each has the ability to make an impact, big or small, every single day.
We at aio are “cultural translators,” carrying Hawaii’s unique local values to the rest of the world.